2009 English Summer Camp  行程出爐 讓大家小看一番




August 17Monday 第一天




9:00-10:00 Meet and Greet the students




10:00-11:00 1 on 1 exercise(introductions)




11:00-12:00 Interviewing a partner and self introductions read aloud




13:30-14:00 Circle game(name exercise)



14:00-15:00 Split into Groups and discussing possible final presentation scenarios



15:00-16:00 Introduction to Commercials



16:00-17:00 Group work(Commercial discussion)




August 18Tuesday 第二天



9:00-10:00 Wake up exercise(circle group work)



10:00-11:00 Find Someone who…(worksheet and questionnaire)




11:00-12:00 Rehearse commercials




13:30-14:00 Commercial presentations




14:00-15:00 Songs and Lyrics(the study of modern music and the media)




15:00-16:00 How so you say this?(Chinese to English translation)




16:00-17:00 Discussion of final presentation





August 19Wednesday 第三天

9:00-10:00 Wake up exercise(meditation and team building)




10:00-11:00 Self confidence and how it works(Public Speaking)



11:00-12:00 Basic Public Speaking(attempted)




13:30-14:00 Group work (Egg drop problem and hypothesis)




14:00-15:00 Egg drop contest




15:00-16:00 Staging and Scripting the final presentation



16:00-17:00 Staging and Scripting the final presentation




August 20Thursday 第四天

9:00-10:00 Wake up exercise(stretching and singing)




10:00-11:00 English Scavenger hunt and test




11:00-12:00 English Scavenger hunt and test (Final scores)




13:30-14:00 Introduction to Compliment your Classmates




14:00-15:00 Compliment your classmates exercise




15:00-16:00 Final   preparationsfor the final presentation



16:00-17:00 Final   preparationsfor the final presentation




August 21Friday 第五天

9:00-10:00 Wake up exercise(final fun circle game)




10:00-11:00 Learn the results of the Compliment your Classmates lesion



11:00-12:00 Practice for the final presentation



13:30-14:00 Practice the final presentation




14:00-15:00 Final  presentation




15:00-16:00 Final  presentation




16:00-17:00 Award ceremony and see you next year




好刺激,有競賽 最後一天還有口頭 是在考驗我吧!




來啊! 怕什麼?




介紹會不會詞窮啊?  先順一下




我只怕大家英文都比我好,就這樣!!  1到4年級都可以參加的ㄟ









這次要唱歌還要勞作商展 ~ 說真的有刺激的感覺  希望大家都不要太為難我是一個台灣人




英文還不算太溜  比手畫腳希望能接受 




不過有一個氣憤點   學校  我懶的帶床具   又不想出外買晚餐




基於以上幾點   不想住學校了   




我真是說變就變   哈哈    誰叫你一直趕我走  我就偏要在家裡玩電腦




考試逼近     沒有一個我全熟的   哎呀!    你說勒?




下下禮拜要去玩了   回來PO點上課照片   看我能拿到3000元嗎




ㄍ一ㄥ 住了  






Now is night 


What I say? 


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